Ask Me Anything

with Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar (Premium)

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Military Spending

Could you guys do a show on the US Military Industrial Complex spending since Eisenhower's famous speech since 1961? Has it ever decreased? Was Carter able to decrease it? How many military bases, submarines, aircraft carriers, ships of war, jets, helicopters, nuclear weapons does the US military have? I am amazed that a nuclear weapon has not accidently detonated by the way... That Russian Ship that sank recently, did it have nuclear weapons on it? Was it powered by a nuclear generator?

Immigration- where do you stand?

What should the “working class” position on immigration be? What are each of your positions? While Democrats are painted as open boarders and Republicans as racist, what immigration policy should particularly leftists stand on and advocate for (since it seems pretty incoherent and even against the working class to me).

Consumer fuel price gauging act

Rep porter and shrier I think introduced this bill, seems like it will force domestic oil production, do you support this? Seems similar to what saagar was suggesting in of his monologues

Where oh where did the American Dream go?

Hey guys! I'm an 19 year old who is going through the training seminar at Honda. We are being taught by a lot of really nice retired workers who talk about always being able to rely on Honda to support their children and grandchildren. It really brought me back to how blue collar labor was viewed before manufacturing jobs were taken overseas. I'm wondering if Honda has been as good to its workers as I have heard and why is has that reputation or why is has sustained this model while other companies view their workers in true contempt.

Unprecedented Australian election

Hey K&S! You should look into the Australian election which occurred last night, and give your thoughts. Conservatives (who are confusingly called the Liberals) tossed out, Labor party in (democrat-esque but closely aligned with trade unions) with either a slim majority or minority govt— but the real story is how many greens and independents took seats off the Liberals, who had been in power since 2013. Looking like around 15 individual seats (and note that Australia does not use proportional voting) — fully 1/10 of the House.