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with Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar (Premium)

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The Domination Book Series

There was a question here about whether China knows something about the coronavirus that we don't. It reminded me of the The Domination book series where the Drakan empire basically takes over the world by developing a weaponized strain of HIV that also induces violent psychosis. It's a terrifying book series.

Avoiding the real nuclear energy concern

I hate to bring up nuclear energy again, but my main concern with nuclear energy is the waste disposal. I remember Saagar stated there are storage locations in the desert that had the capacity to store the world's nuclear waste for many years to come. Nuclear waste has a half life of like a million years. The containers holding the waste won't last that long. So then what? What happens with the containers break down. Having the waste, without a way to completely dispose of it, seems to be a ticking time bomb. Does this not concern you guys?

Uruguan Marijuana Laws

Could someone do a piece about how/when Uruguay legalized cannabis, with an analysis of their laws and regulations on cultivation and all the rest regarding cannabis. Also what affects that legislation has had on the socio-economics of that country. I'm Uruguayan-American, Jersey Born Florida raised.

Fed Assets "running off"

Krystal, You've mentioned a few times now that instead of the Fed actively selling assets off of their balance sheet when QT begins, they will instead let them "run off". Can you explain exactly what that means, the mechanics of it and how exactly it will effect the balance sheet. Thanks!

California Contenders

California's primary is just around the corner. We are voting for governor, two senators and a handful of other representatives statewide and locally. I respect and admire Senator Limón, being from the same town and all. She isn't on the ballot this year, so I am asking for names of candidates who are promising and who will lead California into the future. If there is a commentator you can recommend who is following the primary more closely, that too would be appreciated. Thank you for all your work.