Ask Me Anything

with Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar (Premium)

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What were the movements or moments the made you interested in politics

For me, it was George bush getting a shoe thrown at him. My ten year old self couldn't get enough.

Peter Zeihan’s Ukrainian war perspective

You have platformed Peter Zeihan and seem to have respect for his insight. He had said in many interviews I have seen that Russias invasion of Ukraine is only the beginning of there war aims and that to accomplish there goals they must push further into NATO allied parts of Europe. If he is right then a peaceful settlement with Ukraine isn’t even possible. At least a couple of times your shows discussion had advocated a move toward a peaceful settlement. I assume you are aware of Peters perspective so you must disagree? If so why??


Sorry about that question earlier. I thought it was email.

Sir Lanka

What is your opinion on the crisis in Sri Lanka? If Sri Lanka collapses could that have a similar effect that Greece’s bankruptcy had in the late 2000s? How much is this China’s fault from the drastically terrible downsides of the belt and road agreements that these third world countries agree to? Will this be a signal to others to become more hesitant to cooperate with China?

Besides Biden, who are the SERIOUS Presidential Candidates for 2024

After watching your segment on the Gas Tax Idiocy today, I am very frustrated by the Biden administration as well as the entire democratic party. I have moved to becoming an Independent ever since I became a premium subscriber. Ok, which presidential candidates in 2024 should we be following who actually understand the people, economics? My pick is Bernie Sanders!