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with Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar (Premium)

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Companies funding travel to abortion states

Is it your opinion that the companies reimbursing/funding travel to and from abortion states are doing it out of the goodness of their heart or could it be that it’s less expensive for them to pay for an abortion then for them to pay for a healthy birth and baby let alone a baby or birthing with complications?

My only hope is James Lynch.....

Based on Saagar's hatred of Evangelical Christian's and Krystal probably thinking me an "Anti-choice" hack (trying to get a laugh here - I love you both and BP no matter what) my only hope is James to pick this!!. But I truly am trying to ask a technical question. Cards on the table, I am a Pro-Life Evangelical. But I'm curious on the topic of legislation that would apparently codify Roe vs Wade. In your coverage you emphasize that the majority of Americans are ok with some form of abortion but not the extreme positions like partial birth/ third term. My question is: what do think the "popular" legislation would actually look like? And if the details are centrist (i.e. maybe in step with some European laws - say German 12 week ban) do you think this is the reason Democrats can't do it? Meaning, was everybody ok with Roe vs. Wade because it was the status quo and it's a political minefield for either side to codify per either sides ideology?

Supreme Court decision Vs Codified

There has been much discussion about how the Dems could have codified or ratified the decision of Roe v Wade. What is the breakdown or difference between a Supreme Court ruling and congress codifying a decision that could not be overruled?

When will the left disavow the democratic party completely

Hi Krystal, Why is the left so tied to the democratic brand and apparatus when the dems always ignore and outwardly block any initiatives. We know the Democratic brand is poison in the south, we know that independent candidates have shown they can fund national campaigns through grassroots and independents are the largest voting block. Why not do what Bernie didn't and disavow the dems. Lot of talk about Republicans being happy to rule over the ruins of the American empire, it seems dems don't even want to rule over anything. Isn't it time the left take the inaction of dems as a threat to democracy itself and disavow the brand altogether?

Will you ever reach out to right-leaning populist commentators?

Your partnerships with others that I will loosely call left-leaning, anti-establishment, populists have been very impressive. Do you have any plans to make similar connections with right-leaning, anti-establishment, populists? I think it would make for some productive conversations and add to your street cred.