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with Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar (Premium)

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Rapid Decline of Lake Mead

Will you share your thoughts on the rapidly dropping waters of Lake Mead and the threats posed to the people and communities directly involved, who rely on the lake for things ranging from recreational use to the production of electricity at the Hoover Dam and shed some light on how the situation will affect the rest of the country as a whole? Thank you for all the work you both so, and keep up the great work!

Government incompetence vs. Nationalization

As a show, the idea of nationalizing industries seems to be acceptable. The show also seems to rally around the fact that government, at almost every level, is incompetent. How is it possible to hold both of these ideas simultaneously?

The Mueller Report

Do you think we will ever be able to read an unexpurgated Mueller Report? Do you think it important that we do have access and if so how can we get it to happen?

2024 Third Party Moment

Hi guys! Krystal has mentioned a few times recently that she could foresee a Ross Perot level 3rd party movement in 2024. Krystal has also mentioned in the past that she disagreed with Andrew Yang's strategy of creating a new 3rd party to wrangle power away from establishment Democrats in preference to a strategy of transitioning the ruling regimes from within the existing Democratic party. Do either of you still stand by this strategy given the absolute refusal from Democrats to move on from the old guard of Clinton and now Biden? And is there anything a new burgeoning 3rd party could do to sway the two of you to think it has a real chance to actually succeed at breaking up the political duopoly, and earn your support at Breaking Points? Long time fan of the two of you, from back at the days at the Hill! As a community organizer for the newly founded Forward Party, I think it would be very helpful and beyond COOL to get the two of you involved in our movement to stop the division and save our democracy! Love everything you guys do and stand for.

Tulsi Gabbard

I would love to hear your thoughts on Tulsi Gabbard running in 2024. Specifically, how do you think she would fair in the election with the current political environment?