Ask Me Anything

with Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar (Premium)

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inventory taxes

Every retail business I have ever worked for had to regularly count their inventory. Apparently, taxes must be paid on the dollar amount. Also, businesses need to pay taxes on already paid for machinery and equipment!!!!! Dropping these taxes might help us working folk, what say you?

Zag Thinking

OK - longtime listener to your program and grateful for the passion and insight from the two of you. Rather that sit idle as our “leaders” fail to lead our country, is there an opportunity to do something like creating a “virtual overlay” affiliation made up of republicans and democrats who agree to constructively work on 4-5 most pressing issues (e.g., economy, affordable health/prescription care) and agree to implement 2-3 fundamental changes to minimize DC corruption (e.g., term limits, campaign financing). Net, is there an opportunity to think more creatively and shape a new reality? Are there experts or high-quality thinkers who you could bring on to your show to explore innovative solutions? It seems like the majority of Americans are not satisfied and, rather than sitting idle, is there an opportunity to leverage technology and innovative solutions to move us forward in a productive way? I would be interested in your thoughts and would love to participate…

True public opinion on Dobbs/Roe?

What do you guys make of polling that shows more public support for state-based abortion laws than you might expect?


Love ur show! Incredibly informative and i love the dynamic between both of u. I have one…”critique”. the audio during the episodes that have both remote or one host is … pretty bad. Is there any chance your mics at home can get upgraded cause those episodes are hard to listen to.

Sri Lanka, a country ruled by US Citizens, is now a failed state beyond comprehension.

Request, not a question for your weekend AMA. SEE BELOW. I would be interested in making a brief five-minute presentation on your show regarding Sri Lanka. I can send you a text of my presentation, or a video of my presentation taken from home, and you can decide if it is at the standards that you require at Breaking Points. BTW, I am of course a Premium Subscriber and I followed you both since day one at Rising. I am sending this email to you because I have known, worked in, and studied Sri Lanka, its people, politicians, and the business community since 2005. I have visited the country more than 20 times during this period. From my home in Washington DC, I follow Sri Lankan politics in detail and have retained and cultivated all my contacts since 2005. One family has ruled this country since the early 2000s. Three brothers who ruled as President, PM, Min Fin, Defense, and Internal Affairs are US citizens. The Chinese had been (probably remain) the largest investors and lenders in the country, and this was the first precursor for the collapse that is now unfolding. The second precursor is family nepotism and a level of corruption that was not for the faint at heart. I have enclosed a link for WAPO from today: Here are two videos from a major project that I did in the country. Tsunami project in detail 12 min Shorter video 3 min Let me know if this is of interest? Best regards, Philip Bay 202 679 5035