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with Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar (Premium)

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Power to declare war

When will Congress take back the power and responsibility to declare war? Do our actions in countries such as Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Libya, and Afghanistan constitute crimes against humanity?

Saagar, what's your case for The Rock as president?

Steven Donziger

How does Chevron get away with not paying when they lost in court? Get Donziger on Rogan.

The Future of Conservatism

Saagar, I found your monologue on the future of conservatism really fascinating the other day. As interesting as it is to point out the rise of Grill-Dad/Barstool conservatives, I'm curious what you think of the future of the religious right in this conversation. I find it hard to think about the trajectory of conservatism without any reference to the religious factors that have shaped it over the last 50ish years. Love the new show, and I'm proud to support you guys! Ben

What does accountability look like for the left?

There's not a wealth of AOCs waiting to come up to bat, and waiting till 2022 to argue about something which happened months ago is too long of a response time. So primarying members of the squad for not fighting in the way they promised / we asked them to seems like a path that would be neither constructive, timely, or effective. So what can we do now to pressure them into a more combative space while the legislative agenda is still in play?