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with Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar (Premium)

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Robots vs Unions, Weinstein vs BTCmaxis

Guys, Thanks for all your efforts, I love the show. I have a question for each of you. Krystal, I appreciate your bringing to light the rising unionization at Amazon, Starbucks, etc. How will the unions survive in a future filled with robots and AI? Tesla will release their Optimus this week, and we’ve already seen warehouse robots climb shelves, and service robots cleaning bathrooms. I appreciate your thoughts. Saager, The Realignment is a fantastic product, thanks. This may be a fun question for you and Marshal. There’s two main reasons given for all of the results shown on WTF 1971. Eric Weinstein’s EGOs (embedded growth obligations) is one. The second, Bitcoin maximalist and goldbugs would claim, is ending the gold standard. Is it one of these or another? Thanks Todd R Birmingham, AL

The economy inflation the working class and the Republican party.

Can you explain why the working class favors republicans based on the economy and inflation. Sure its bad, and its democrats fault. But!, Its democrats ACTING like republicans that caused/escalated this mess. If you hate inflation, and the crappy economy, then How can you intelligently support the party that has ALWAAYS been against you. I can understand the anger and frustration with democrats, but It is because they are doing what the republican party has been doing to you ALL along. What am I missing here

Illinois "Purge" law

Recently a friend showed me a speech from a mayor in illinos that paints a grim picture on the actions law enforcement will be aloowed to do to protect people. I have since seen it circulated on facebook being described as a "purge" law. I know description is exagerated and the mayor may have also exagerated it aswell, yet id like to know the truths behind this law so i can better inform those around me.

Russia's referendums in Ukraine

Hey Breaking points! Is there a good resource to read on legitimacy of the referendums in Ukraine? Knowing the sentiment in Crimea from multiple relatives and friends, I don't believe it is completely impossible for people to have legitimately voted majority to join Russia, but reports from the West are overwhelmingly suggesting fraud. Would love to find out more Thanks!

Russian revolution

You've often said on your show that we should be very wary of regime change in Russia, because it's very likely that Putin's successor would be even worse than he is. With the recent anti war protests and the specter of mass conscription, is there any reason to think a more hopeful outcome is possible?