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with Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar (Premium)

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Kenny Klips Exit Interview???

Ken Klippenstein just figuratively pissed in the photocopier and left The Intercept with a middle finger in the air. He made a goodbye post on his substack. I'm sure it'll get talked about by Ryan and Emily, but can you guys get him on for a sit-down?

Campus Protests

I was wondering when Saagar thinks the morally right thing to do is the all-things-considered right thing to do? Obviously, sometimes prudential considerations override moral ones -- but when does the latter override the former. Based off the Tuesday show, it seems that the argument turned on 'whether history remembers you'. Is that right? Would you be able to clarify your position?

Do you thinks these college protests make a difference in 3 to 5 years?

With college protests and crackdowns going on, could it be these schools with the harshest crackdowns suffer the most significant effects in 3 to 5 years? The data shows the value in higher education is dropping and are more kids are going blue collar route. Tied to a smaller generation, are these university responses setting the stage for significant shake-ups in the higher ED space, and the students getting what they asked for just half a decade late?

Balancing Act: The Implications of Speech First v. Sands on Academic Freedom and Societal Norms

Given the recent deliberations in Speech First v. Sands, where the Supreme Court is poised to address the balance between hate speech and free speech on college campuses, how do you foresee the outcome of this case influencing the discourse on academic freedom and the safeguarding of diverse viewpoints in higher education environments? Moreover, what implications might this ruling have on the broader societal norms surrounding freedom of expression and inclusivity?

Why so little pushback on claims about Hamas charter?

Why hasn't there been pushback from you and others opposing Israel's actions against the claim that Hamas has the destruction of Israel in its charter? That has not been the case for at least the last 7 years. The charter recognizes it as illegitimate, but doesn't call for destruction. What's more, THEY ENDORSE TWO STATES as a "formula for consensus". I don't hear you guys mention this, nor do I hear anyone else mention this in debates when it's claimed as fact. Are people afraid they'll only look like they're defending Hamas?