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with Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar (Premium)

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Nixon truth and AMA procedure

1. Is there an avenue to notify a member when their question is selected for AMA? 2. I haven't seen much bubble up on a topic that Tucker Carlson discussed in Rogan regarding what he purported to beat deep state coup of Nixon with Watergate. Do you have any recommendations for validating or disputing the claim? I don't know much but I'm interested and would enjoy reading/learning more about it

What's the deal with morality?

Today Saagar expressed his displeasure at having people throw their morality in his face and I have to say, as a longtime fan of the show, I strongly object to the abrupt anti-throwing-morality-in-other-people's-faces turn this show has taken. Yours etc.

Update on Kennedy Ballot Access?

Robert F. Kennedy jr. just won ballot access in California, which was one of its hardest states to get into. I heard the other day that they had passed the signature threshold in Texas too, but that one is still pending. A number of states are still counting signatures. Idaho is far past its signature count requirement, but rumor has it a lot of the signatures are being rejected. One of these days as these signature drives pick up, would you be willing to give us an update on Kennedy's ballot access progress? I think he's getting further than most people thought he would.

The Joe Biden "media tour"

Howdy Saagar and Kystal! Hearing the segment on Biden's interview with Howard Stern reminded me of another recent interview Biden did that also came off as a bit of a fluff piece (3 Presidents on the Smartless Podcast) which Obama and Clinton also provided backup and some attaboys. Have either of you had a chance to listen? What question would each of you ask the "3-Presidents" if you had a crack at them at the same time on this Joe Biden media tour?

Will Israel/Gaza Red Pill Progressives?

Do you think this conflict will break their views of legitimacy on global governance and mainstream media?