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with Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar (Premium)

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Hi Krystal and Saagar, I’m huge fan of the show, and I would really love your take on the meritocracy. I often hear Krystal criticize it and her critiques are certainly valid, but I just don’t know what the alternative is. Prior to having college admissions, educational attainment and degrees determine who leads, the right and ability to rule was largely determined by birth and inherited privilege. So is the meritocracy truly bad? Or is it bad because it’s not truly meritocratic?

Defense Industry.

How can any of the social reforms: housing for everyone, good public schools, public health ever become reality if the Pentagon and Defense Contractors are not reined in? Is the a chance in hell that that can happen?

Why is it impossible for people to vote the correct people in to office?

Why is it impossible for people to vote the correct people in to office? In elections why does each opponent never has a top ten giant poster of the crazy untouched corruption truths. Thank MRMNBLEEP

Fareed Zakaria?

Hi Krystal and Saagar, I love your show, and just recently became a premium member! I know there is no love lost between you guys and CNN but I was wondering how you felt about Fareed Zakaria? I ask because I’ve been a fareed fan for my whole life and even as I stay away from CNN, I still tune into his podcast. I always found his takes to be insightful, and he seems to stay away from the culture war nonsense and generally seems cover issues that are actually important. He’s also one of the very few cnn hosts that actually brings on capable people with different viewpoints on his show and let’s them have their say.

If You Could Do Anything Else

Krystal and Saagar, thank you for doing this show. Breaking Points is truly a highlight of my week. My question: What do you think you'd be doing if you never got into media and politics? Curious what a parallel universe Krystal and Saagar might be up to... . Ben Flood (Maryland)