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with Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar (Premium)

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South Park

Do you both watch South Park? If so, What is your favorite episode? If not, Would you ever consider checking it out?

Immigration conspiracy?

On another more right leaning podcast I listen to, I heard a report (with audio) of immigrants from the southern border being flown in private planes to small airports throughout the us in the middle of the night. Their take is the dems are allowing this to so they will Vote dem in upcoming elections. I’m a huge and dedicated breaking points fan, so I’m doubtful of this claim…but it was from a pretty reputable show and there was audio of a police talking about this with someone involved. What’s your take on this?

Farmer's Co-Ops

Given the stranglehold that the big meat packers have over the lives of farmers is there no world where the farmers form co-ops and take control back? If so what are the obstacles to this happening?

Canadian Truckers Convoy 2022

Hi Krystal and Saagar! First off you both have completely reinvigorated my hope that media can be nuanced and fair, and that people can be kind and understanding. Not sure if you guys have been following but Russell Brand did some reporting as well as Rogan about the MASSIVE Canadian Truckers convoy that converged on Ottawa Saturday along with hundreds of THOUSANDS of supporters against mandates and covid restriction overreach and illogic. Would love to see you guys cover it on one of your episodes this week it is gaining traction across the world at the moment. Keep well and keep up your incredible work. Cheers from Montreal, Canada!

Why are you so critical of Neil Young? He sounds like someone who stands by his principles.

Pulling his music from Spotify is an expression of his free speech. That he stands in protest of your friend should not be reason to draw your ire. I see nothing wrong with people putting their money where their mouth is in protest to stand for what they believe in. Also, spare a thought for why this might be a touchy subject for Neil. He had polio as a young child shortly before vaccines were developed for it so it stands to reason this would be something he cares about. Deriding him for focusing on this issue instead of issues you deem to be more important is inappropriate. He's not an elected official tasked with taking care of the whole nation. He's an individual taking a stand on something he cares about.