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with Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar (Premium)

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Vaccine hesitation Deep State plot?

Conservatives are convinced that the Deep State is targeting them these days, what makes them buy vaccine hesitation hook, line, & sinker? It's proven that Covid mostly kills overweight, elderly, and almost exclusively unvaccinated people. That now describes the conservative demographic, especially in the vaccination status. A psy op to make your targets make themselves prone to accidental death en masse would be the cheapest and most effective method. Just to be clear, I'm actually a Krystal style progressive, but I've been a long time Pentagon watcher. I'm always trying to look deeper into any official and unofficial narrative.

Iran threatens sanctions against US over treatment of Black Americans

I would love your reaction to this article: Thanks and I love the show! -A

Checking in on the Latino move away from Democrats

I'd love to have Gustavo Arellano and Pedro Gonzalez on regularly to analyze the Latino - specifically the Mexican-American move away from Democrats. They both have distinctive views that really break the left/right paradigm and I think would be helpful in growing your audience's understanding of this important but misunderstood demographic.

Where is the full program?

It's Monday, and I have no access to the full program? There is the 15min Q&A on how they do the program, but that is it. Thanks.

Matthew McConnehy

Saagar: Given his refusal to take any substantive positions, how do you explain your take on Matthew McConnehy?