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with Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar (Premium)

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Bernie's Numbers

If all the other Democrats numbers are dismal, What are Bernie's numbers? Every time he runs his numbers get stronger. I'd still vote for Bernie over every other Dem candidate, I can't be the only one..

Content Sources

You have many audio sources but only YouTube as your 1 video source. Why don't you post your videos on multiple sites even if other video sites might take a little longer to upload? Diversify and build resiliency...

Spotify Video

Asking for all of us out there. When will Breaking Points have JRE style video on Spotify? Would love to watch and listen at work where I have terrible cellular data.

Culture War Coverage?

I absolutely LOVED your Riitenhouse segment. While I understand and agree with your desire to keep the focus on the class war of the elites vs the working class, I feel like your unique abilities to have nuanced coverage of complex issues (that are often viewed only through the lens of hypocritical cheerleading by other media) are sorely needed in culture war discussions. I fear that because as Sagaar likes to say culture is king, even if we ever had a pro working class candidate who would benefit both sides of the culture war with their economic policies we will all be too short sighted to support them because everyone has been propagandized to see the other side as the enemy who holds all kinds of distasteful views. Perhaps something where you could each present the opposite side's view rather than the one you actually have or ask questions about the views while stripping out the hysteria and show what each side actually feels about cultural topics and WHY they feel that way to maybe give everyone empathy for the other side. With all of that said, would you consider *some* more culture war topics perhaps a weekly one that isn't in the news at the moment or wouldn't be covered as it unfolded (like how you just masterfully did with Rittenhouse) in order to keep emotions in check? I truly think we misunderstand the other sides intentions on these issues and need more understanding presented by people we can trust in good faith. YOU. Also, how do you think we could ever stop the culture war from preventing people from voting for their economic interests? Is it as simple as having candidates with populist economics so that their only differences would be culture? You guys are awesome! If you can just use my first name Matt if you pick my question and feel free to edit it down.

CFIUS should have been leveraged to curb Chinese strategic acquisitions

In regard to recent cast (11/22) regarding Hunter Biden interest in Chinese Cobalt transaction, the conflict discussed was apparent but does it cross a legal threshold of corruption? In that regard, has it been investigated as to why CFIUS would have signed off on this deal in 2016. Might there have been any improper influence on that process? Speaking from some indirect experience, if buyer of tech company we sold in 2019 had been Chinese vs. Indian, it would never had passed CFIUS in that administration. Process was by no means a slam dunk as it was. We had to hire high power DC firm to get us through some unexpected pushback.