Ask Me Anything

with Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar (Premium)

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Natural Immunity

Why is the CDC downplaying natural immunity. The recent study out of Kentucky compared people with history of positive Covid who did or did not get vaccine. Then promoting this as vaccine beats natural immunity. Why can’t we acknowledge natural immunity?

1099K Taxable Income Threshold From $20,000 / Year to $600 starting 2022 for online sales

Were you all aware that starting in 2022, for online sales like Ebay, Etsy, etc.... the taxable threshold (for payment processors to submit a 1099K to the government) is dropping from $20,000 / year to only $600? This was included in the American Rescue Plan back in early Spring this year. Basically the government is coming after basic garage sale or yard sale income at this point from people just trying to make a few extra bucks. This seems insane to me that they are chasing pennies from people making $600 (or more) per year in online sales while they let the big multi million or billion tax cheats get away with their own scams. I'd love to hear your take on this and thanks for the wonderful show. Long time fan from your early years on The Hill.

Stickers & Swag

Hey Love your show! Thanks for cutting through the BS! AND collegial arguments. The BP stickers on your laptops are rad. I want one. Mug too! Koozie? Interested in your book and current affairs/publications reading list. Cheers John

Stock price reaction on news

Not really a question, but you guys (love the show btw) should have a standing point on how news effects stock prices. For example, raytheon stock dropped after Trump’s announcement on deal with Taliban and US on withdrawal. Pfizer jumped this morning (nov 30), don’t know what time his interview was. Maybe stockprice jumps in for example defence industry for no apparent reason is a signal someone knows something we don’t. Who makes tomahawk and hellfire missiles? A sudden rise, shit’s about to go down. Keep up the the good work!

Is NPR worthless at this point ?

NPR seems make every story about race and equity but doesn't address the underlying economic issues. For example they are pretty much the only people that use the term LatinX. They seem to be doing nothing but reinforcing the positive self image educated elites have of themselves. CNN are clowns but NPR might be more destructive to the national narrative.