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with Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar (Premium)

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Political Industry

Krystal and Saagar, I am a US Marine, and study US history (as well as human history) extensively. I run a very small computer company (less than 10 people) located just north of Philadelphia. I think of myself as an American that wants America to work toward living up to its ideologies. I also feel that America is off of these rails. Our current political system has major issues, as you guys are both very well aware. The media plays narratives, not news. Most of us in the silent majority are sick of watching these things play out. We're sick of choosing between the lesser of two evils for our president. And of legislators that spend their entire lives in politics, instead of to serve the nation, which, of course, inevitably leads to serving themselves, and not the core of what the nation is intended to be. They wave the flag, and then become corrupted by systems that are older than they are, in many cases. This paper, put together by two very intelligent folks that see the issues (one is more liberal and the other more conservative, similar to the two of you) has fantastic ideas. If we can get this knowledge out there, the wave that we are all trying to create to get our country back on track can become reality. It is going to be a lot of work, and I'm totally in. Thank you both for taking the leap away from a mainstream media outlet to get into this endeavor. There are many of us out here that have your back. Thank you so much. Jamie

Twitter CEO

Hey Guys! Brand new sub here and love your guys stance on media. Been listening for free for awhile now but wanted to try out the premium subscription? Anyways, my question is what do you guys think about Jack Dorsey stepping down from CEO of Twitter? Think maybe there is some external forces pushing him to step down unlike he says? Keep up the awesome work!!!

COVID and the hospital crisis

I don't know what is happening in D.C., but here in Colorado the unvaxxed have and continue to cause a crisis for our healthcare system - particularly hospitals which are short of beds and staff. ( However, whenever I hear either of you disparage COVID mitigation efforts, you never mention this. Sure, I'm vaxxed and boosted and I'm not going to get really sick or die, but that is a self-centered point of view. The unvaxxed are costing society - and particularly our healthcare system - horribly. All because it is "their choice" and we shouldn't shame or coerce them. When are you going to address the stress that the unvaxxed are placing on our hospitals and healthcare workers?

Show Cadence

Krystal and Sagar, I love your show! Thank you for helping to restore some sanity into our political conversation. My question is why did you select the Monday, Tuesday, Thursday show cadence? Are these the days when the most tends to happen in Washington, or is there a different reason? Keep up the great work! Ben from Maryland

Blind Spots

First time listener, Long time caller here Question for both you - How do you both navigate around your political blind spots? Are you aware of said blindspots? and if so, are you willing to talk about it here? Love starting my day with you guys - Casey from Nashville, Day 1 Subscriber