Ask Me Anything

with Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar (Premium)

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Children are less likely to die from covid.than flu.

That's true, but the children's grandparents are 30 times more likely to die from covid than the flu, so If you/your grandparents are not vaccinated, your not sending your kids to school. and when your elderly or have a co-morbidity, the flu is scary too.

Political Impact of Higher Natural Gas Prices

Hi your show. I just got my heating bill for November, and noticed that my Therm usage went down slightly (67 to 66), but my bill increased from $51 to $81 for the same period (my elderly mother's was $185 for the same November period). There are 3 costs: delivery charges, tax, and natural gas costs. The delivery charges and taxes went up 5%. The natural gas cost went from $0.28 per Therm last year to $0.66 per Therm now. Looks like a 135% increase year over year. For December thru February (3 months), my bill last year was $275, with delivery charges and taxes being almost half of the bill. This year, it appears that for the same 3 months I will be billed $460, with delivery charges and taxes being 30% of the bill. So even with fairly stable delivery charges and taxes, my bill this winter looks like it will go up about 60%. I told my mom to expect monthly bills over $300 and to turn down the heat. I live in the Chicago area, and have a 95% efficient furnace. My question is, when people discover the impact of this type of inflation on a "basic need" this winter, how do you think this will affect the mid-term elections, which will take place at the start of next winter (if voters will need a reminder of what occurred this year and what might occur next year if the supply issues aren't addressed)? Thanks!

Subscription Platform

What is the better of all Breaking Points Streaming Platforms to subscribe to since you have mentioned in the past that your videos are demonetized on YouTube?

Would you consider doing a live chat like Micael Moore does with his substack.

I really like when Michael Moore does a 1-3 hour long char via his substack,. It would be really nice to post questions to you in real time and get a direct response. It's a huge hit for him, I cant imagine it not also doing as well for you.

If Trump can run for president why isn't it not unreasonable for John stewart or Michael Moore to run?

If Trump can run for president and win, why isn't it not unreasonable to assume that John stewart or Michael Moore could not also run? Who would not pay money to see John Stewart debate Donald Trump or his successor for the presidency. It would be a progressive's wet dream.