Ask Me Anything

with Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar (Premium)

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Donor/Subsciber Influence

How can viewers be sure that donations and subscriptions couldn't be used to influence what is covered on Breaking Points? For my own reasons, I currently trust that donor and subscriber input has no major influence over the show's content. I, personally, would be able to spot warning signs of a compromise, because my observation skills are second only to my humility, however, not everyone has that skill to rely on. It would be nice to have a recorded response to this concern, at a time when the trust is there, to refer back to if we ever find ourselves questioning the integrity of the show due to sussy behaviors. P.S. If you choose not to answer this question, I'm going to cancel my subscription ;)

Wilson/Biden Comparison

Saagar, given your interest in WW1, wonder if you've given this some thought. I don't think Biden has suffered strokes like Wilson did, but I do think his mental and physical capacities are diminished. I think there is plenty going on in the White House that doesn't include him, but not sure it's an organized effort like Edith Wilson implemented when her husband could no longer function, which creates the conflicting messages/leaks. What do you think? Thanks to you both for the continued hard work. Sean O'Rourke

Alexa News

Good afternoon, My wife and I usually listen to Alexa in the morning for a news briefing from cnn and fox and are pretty well over both of them. Any plans for a Breaking Points-Alexa news briefing? Thanks,

Could you disclose your conflicts of interest?

I would like you both to disclose your conflicts of interest. [I am not saying you have bad conflicts, it just seems like it would be good practice as a general rule]

Can you share a perspective on you writing habits?

Across monologues, segments, and the occasion book y'all must have some form of regular writing habit. How would each of you describe your process?