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with Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar (Premium)

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Facebook Bulletin Launch

Would love your thoughts on a large social ecosystem like facebook throwing their hat in the ring with a publishing and subscription service for writers ?? Will this be a positive for independent journalism ?? 3.5 billion users… ability to integrate video, long form media, live audio etc….. VS Is there anyway for the content to not be “moderated” in the haphazard way the company’s current model operates ??

Contrary to US statement, drone stikes in Kabul have killed only civilians

This is the tweet from someone from ground: Hope you report on this

War tax

Do you think that a Constitutional Amendment that required all wars to be funded by a tax increase, including a 90% tax on any company profiting from the war, would prevent us from getting involved in all these wars?

First Time Long Time

Do you think that if Democrats pass the Bernie budget bill exactly as written then they might be able to hold on to their majority or do you think them losing the house is inevitable?


Why did you become a reporter?