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with Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar (Premium)

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Hospital Price Transparency m

Hi Krystal and Sagaar, Love your work and the podcast. I used to be one of those "bloodsucking" consultants in healthcare until I realized everything I did didn't actually DO anything. Anyway, I work for a Health System now and I personally prepared the files for the Hospital Price Transparency rule for my system, and wanted to give some insight: 1) No one wants to be the first to publish in the market; it forces information asymmetry and gives even more power to insurance companies who already have brutal control over negotiations. 2) The average consumer has no idea how to interpret the information, it ONLY includes the amount negotiated with the payer, we have zero information on copays or deductibles. Just because we negotiate a different rate by payer, the consumer might be charged the same. 3) The accuracy of what's published is almost certainly abysmal, the healthcare reimbursement structure is incredibly complex and generating these massive files that meet the requirements accurately are almost impossible, I wouldn't be surprised if the colonoscopy numbers in the piece you referenced were just flat out wrong. Hope you find this interesting, looking forward to your thoughts.

Ivermectin & other effective COVID treatment suppression

You guys have done a great job covering Bill & Melinda gates protecting patents, but what about other effective treatments being actively surpressed, usually because they are out of patent and cheap (no money for vax) Rogan hosted a great show with Dr. Weinstein and Dr. Pierre Kory - can you guys look at this?

interview with meetKevin

Hi guys, I have been a fan of meetkevin and he is running for governor of Cali against newsom. It would be great if you guys interview him. Thanks


You guys talk about vaccination in a vacuum. Have you been actively ignoring what is going on in highly vaccinated countries? The vax wears off! Are you going to say people should get a 3rd, 4th, 5th? And you start a show with Saagar sick with covid after getting the vax. WTF! So what good did it do for you? You guys are taking on the appearance of receiving kickbacks for promoting vaccines.

Recall Election - California

Would you please have Kevin Paffrath on your show? People need to know who he is. MSM continuously leaves him out because he is a Democratic candidate and to push the narrative that the recall is only a republican effort, which is not. Please have him on your show. Thanks