Ask Me Anything

with Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar (Premium)

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Strategic choice?

The removal of an occupational force from Afghanistan is long overdue. However, looking at our strategic military presence in other parts of the world (Okinawa, Guam, Puerto Rico, Germany, Korea, Italy), is it poor strategic planning to remove all forces from Afghanistan, where the closest US presence is in the Persian Gulf? Leaving Afghanistan now creates a land bridge for China to easily access Iran. Will we wind up in Afghanistan or in the area within the next 10 years?

Beau Biden Effect

Was Joe Biden able to finally withdraw the troops from Afghanistan thanks in part to his son's military service? Even though Beau served in Iraq; Biden was still able to see the effect these perpetually aim shifting wars were causing soldiers (maybe the burn pits aided to Beau's brain cancer?). He said back during one of his VP debates Joe said he didn't want anymore parents to have to send their sons/daughters in the future either in the event the wars were ended poorly. I can believe Joe and Beau had some kind of deathbed wish for the wars to end. Well, he finally got the ability to enact those two promises. Maybe finally having a president with adjacent modern military experience/exposure was a good thing.

Why out

Stupid iPad auto correct..mic military industrial complex

Why out

Why did Biden leave AF. Sure Trump had.a deadline.. I agree with Saagar that he deep state would have stopped trump from actually doing it. So, Biden is pro war. He always has been the centrist dems are funded by the min deep state. So I keep scratching my head, why? What am I missing… glad…but very suspicious.

Progressive Media Ecosystem

One of the symptoms of ad-driven media is that it incentivizes the carving up of markets, each w/ its own factional spin. The truth, reasoning and evidence which good journalism stands upon is chopped up, bundled and broken in transmission. As independents now, does Breaking Points feel more free to direct eyeballs toward other media players whom you trust? Because I'm not seeing it to the degree I would expect from the show's "mission statement." For progressive media to become a general threat to Establishment ethos, they will have to act a little bit more as a team? Even if you & others differ at your fringes or core focus, you need to sort of provide each other free advertising on the premise that the whole ecosystem is really one thing against the failed & broken option. I mean Rogan's fine. But I'd rather read FAIR, for example. Or The New Republic. TYT. Jacobin. I like Illing at VOX... The idea is to move the center of lay persons' center of attention to a new location, away from corporate central control, even if you yourselves are not the center of that center. Even if the heavy symbiotic-lift is carried disproportionately by you. More is better. You showcase trusted voices in your interviews, but you know, maybe a Thursday send-off graphic/list like, "Here are a few titles/links to our favorite stories from other outlets for this last week." The capitalist-implicit fear that sharing will weaken oneself, big picture .. that territorialism .. is how we all got here in the first place imho. Sorry for the length.