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with Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar (Premium)

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Where do we go from here?

Given that you guys are going independent (which has benefits and cons), how do you intend to differentiate from other political commentary channels, and grow your brand beyond the scope of your previous employer? Secondly, where do you two see yourselves and this program in five years? Looking forward to more quality content laced with UFO segments. Sam from Minnesota.


I find it unlikely the government would all of a sudden spill the beans on ALL the classified UFO reports. Is it possible they are releasing the things they internally CAN explain while continuing to withhold the truly world-altering information on UFOs?

Name of new show

Did the name of the new show have anything to do with things reaching a breaking point with The Hill?


Will you be having the same roster of guests/stand in hosts as on Rising, or will you be changing this up with the new format?

Congratulations!!! Very happy for you guys!

Where do you see the election fraud issue heading?