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with Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar (Premium)

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Interview Request: Steven E. Koonin

Recently, Steven Koonin (Undersecretary for Science, US Dept of Energy under Obama) released his new book "Unsettled", discussing climate change in a very open and honest way. This book was a real eye opener about climate change and the way it is portrayed by MSM and politicians. I would love to see you guys tackle this subject and really dig into the nuance of how the revelations from this book should impact policy and the overall conversation about climate change.

Would you have on people that want to primary sitting Congressmen/women

You guys have helped me a lot with formulating my politics and synthizing why I believe what I believe. I'm currently planning on challenging in the primary my sitting congressman, David Schweikert, as a populous republican. Would you use your platform to elevate people like me and others who want to change Washington by running as members of Congress

News Tip?

How do we reach out to you if we have a news story worthy of investigation by your team?

New Deal, Neoliberalism, then what?

What is your best guess as to what the next 40 years will look like after the New Deal era and the Neoliberal era? Include how automation will impact what 2020-2060 look like.

Humanities Greatest Threat

Dr. Steven Greer says that the Military Industrial Complex already has black budget projects with operational UFO's that was reverse engineered from crashes. He believes they are trying to spin UFOs to congress as a way to get bigger budgets and weaponize space. I believe the greatest threat to human existence is the military industrial complex. Thoughts on how to stop them if even sitting Presidents can't?