Ask Me Anything

with Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar (Premium)

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Can independent media fix out-of-party hate?

A recent poll showed that voting is now driven more by out-of-party hate, rather than liking in-party people and positions. This implies that voting is fear of the “other” establishment exerting power to the people’s detriment, and campaigns happily oblige that fear. How can Breaking Points help voters argue *for* meaningful, beneficial change, instead of against the idiocies of the other sides?

Covid-19 in Italy in September 2019

Since Covid-19 appears to have been found by scientists in Italy in September of 2019 (see:, why is the news about people at the Wuhan Virology Institute having covid-19 like symptoms in November of 2019 cited as evidence for the lab-leak hypothesis? I suggest you do a segment with Dr. John Campbell ( to discuss this question and other covid-19 related topics. On May 2, 2021 he did a segment on the on the Italian paper:

Are you gonna read today’s comments on rising with their new host?

How to change the temp of the country.

I would like to know how you two would address the rising temperatures of partisanship in the US.

Has the rapid technological growth the world has been going through over the last 30-40 years been positive for the human race, and if not, why?

The advent of cell phones, social media, and the 24/7 news cycle has had well documented negative side effects on the masses, such as creating an unnaturally fast paced society, rewarding malignant narcissism (social media), and establishing a 24/7 news cycle that fills the masses with easy to create propaganda.