Ask Me Anything

with Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar (Premium)

Ask a question

Behind the scenes, did The Hill start to show the same issues CNN, FOX, and others already had?

Climate Change

In our present day and age how can we be facing catastrophe from abrupt climate change and still have the vast multitudes of citizens and governments not even want to recognize the grave dangers that we face? Please consider interviewing Paul Beckwith.

Founding member status

Totally want to help and support, but I had reservations on becoming a founding member because I don't want my name out in the public, given that there are those who watch this show that will be eager to record names into a database, if you get my drift. Love you guys and good luck. xoxo -Gossip Girl

How do you manage?

Delivering quality news and being absolute units in the news sphere?

Very Excited, But…

Krystal, what the hell took you so long!!!? Saagar is your perfect co-host, too