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with Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar (Premium)

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Reactions to Gaza Crisis by Boomers, Gen X

Do you think the lack of reaction by Gen X, Boomers is due to lack of information on what is occurring? Or is due to apathy or even support of the Israeli efforts?

Is this literally the Israel/Gaza show?

Today's headlines: "TikTok Vs Cable Israel Divide, Biden Says War Funding Equals Peace, Bibi Says Campus Protests Are 1930s Germany, Texas Arrests Journo At Protest, Stabbed In Eye Hoax Debunked, Republicans Push Abortion Ban, Israel Rafah Invasion Imminent, 1968 Historic Parallels" Is this literally the Israel/Gaza show? We're almost 8 months into the war and stil everyday you have multiple stories on it. These are the several most important stories to cover today? Russia invading Ukraine is 10x more consequential than what happens in Gaza but there's literally zero coverage these days on it. Maybe if Russia was more Jewish it yall would cover it

The F-bomb

I am a 40 year Canadian (not a boomer Saagar). I am asking in regards to another F-bomb drop on the TikTok segment. I can appreciate that the F-word can be used to convey emotion, but I wonder if this can be done without obscene language? Love the suits/ties. Keep up the good work!

Deja Vu monologue

Hi Saagar, absolutely loved the monologue. Have you watched trial of Chicago 7? You thoughts on the movie. Some of the events shown in the movie are what you explained and you shared a lot more information in typical Saagar Enjeti style monologue. Great work.

Utilitarianism in politics

Hey, K&S. I've been an avid follower of your journey from Rising to BP. I deeply admire the public service you provide to listeners, both at home and abroad. Your insights and discussions have been invaluable to me. My question follows Thursday's show, specifically the segment on TikTok. Saagar's rationale for supporting the TikTok ban is encapsulated by the saying, "The enemy of my enemy is my friend." He argues that outcomes that favor your position are more important than how you arrive at those outcomes. The ends justify the means. Yet, policies often have unintended consequences. With much of our legal system based on case law and the arguments that undergird judges' decisions, how does Saagar square advocating for his particular outcome without regard to the means and the aftermath to follow?