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with Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar (Premium)

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Thanks for everything BP/CP team! I have 2 questions. 1) It takes 2 to Tango. There is a lot of complaining about left-wing/government persecution of Trump, but I still go back to 2020 and how easy it should have been for him to be re-elected, e.g. messaging on Covid or mail in ballots, ... What are your thoughts on DT's complicity in this mess? 2) R's using George Soros financing of candidates as a flash point. OK then, let's get money out of politics/elections and have a real democracy. I guess neither side wants to take that on...


Can past presidents be retroactively charge for any illegal crimes done during their tenure ie George hw bush for lying about the wars Afghanistan and irq? Since Trump has been charged for a crime in my opinion that has changed the perceived invincibility of presidents and any illegal actions they have done.


In your opinion if a federal prosecutor wanted to charge George HW Bush for lying about the wars in Afghanistan and Iq

One change to better the country

Saagar and Krystal. If you were made King/Queen of the country, what one change would you make and why? Eg: Lowering the majority needed for constitutional amendments, switching to rank-based voting, etc. Curious about both of your answers. Thanks!

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Will Don Jr and Kari Lake bow to DeSantis if Trump has to withdraw his candidacy?