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BP LIVE - Is Trump Saying anything new?

I cant help but notice for all that's going on around the guy, has he said anything that's new? Will it be witch hunt after witch hunt speech till 2024? What is he running on aside from avoiding prosecution with the shield of the presidency?


Hello, Would we even be where we are if the MSM didn't interfere with Trumps presidency? While he isn't #1 in my eyes, I think the media is so much worse and is the single reason everything was and is as messed up as it is today. If he's the nominee against Biden, I'm voting for Trump.


Hi guys, huge fan of the show, been watching since the rising days and immediately subscribed when I heard you guys were going independent! My question is would this (the indictment of former President Trump) lower the bar to criminally indict members of our government? If not, why? Thank you for your work, your efforts have been nothing short of a blessing.

How can the media pivot from 24/7 Trump News?

It feels like the next couple of years will be 24/7 Trump news. How can the media be shamed showing noting but Trump news like empty podium when Trump was no there. P.S. love you guys and what your doing with your show.

BP live Show 4/4 Edited

Hello BP. When and if Trump is convicted, do you think it will finely start to put a spot light on the other elites to face there crimes? Over all what's your thoughts on if the conviction actually go's threw and he actually go's to jail or prison? _Second is a silly if I could. How do you think we could convince Jon Stewart to run for president? I really ask because both of you have already said you wont run and we need you to keep doing BP but. Out of a lot of public speakers I feel he would really be the best bet. He's a true American and he done a lot of good with the power he has instead of sitting idle. _Thank you Breaking Point's, Counter Points, Marshall Kosloff, James Li, Max Alvarez, Spencer Snyder, Matt Stoller and Production team keep fighting the good fight. _May peace, love and truth forever be on your path. Tobias