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with Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar (Premium)

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BP live Show 4/4 Edited

Hello BP. When and if Trump is convicted, do you think it will finely start to put a spot light on the other elites to face there crimes? Over all what's your thoughts on if the conviction actually go's threw and he actually go's to jail or prison? _Second is a silly if I could. How do you think we could convince Jon Stewart to run for president? I really ask because both of you have already said you wont run and we need you to keep doing BP but. Out of a lot of public speakers I feel he would really be the best bet. He's a true American and he done a lot of good with the power he has instead of sitting idle. _Thank you Breaking Point's, Counter Points, Marshall Kosloff, James Li, Max Alvarez, Spencer Snyder, Matt Stoller and Production team keep fighting the good fight. _May peace, love and truth forever be on your path. Tobias

Third party Joke?

What do you make of corporate bestie Joe Manchin floating his potential third party run on Meet the Press over the last few months?

Why The heck should I care?

Hey guys, been watching since Rising you guys are my favorite news show and the day doesn’t feel right without your updates! Now my question does it even matter if Trump isn’t charged and or arrested. Yes it would be a first time in the Nation’s History. But would it really change anything? I’m only 23 but even I know Trump has allegedly committed more than one crime that is more important than mislabeling a bribe. But he isn’t being charged with anything I find to be serious or to even make him take the legal system serious. It all seems political (albeit I do get what he did is wrong and should be punished if found guilty) and like it won’t accomplish anything but division. Can’t he still run and possibly become president regardless of the outcome?

tWhat transgressions are sufficient to warrant the indictment an ex-president?

Saagar suggests a relatively high bar for the indictment of an ex-president. Which specific felonious activities should be considered sufficient to indict a ex-president for wrong-doing? Is it possible this discussion is advised primarily by the broader obeisance and deferral to the prevailing financial and political power structures?

BP Live cumulative indictments

If other indictments come Trump's way, are they cumulative, or are they each separate by state and served at different times if sentenced.