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with Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar (Premium)

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Do you feel that media is falling for the same trump 🪤 trap by giving him so much media coverage ?

If you're gonna come for the king

Hi guys thanks for doing what you do. My question is this, if the misdemeanor charge is being upgraded to a felony because it is in service of covering up another crime then what does it say if the crime being covered up was never prosecuted by the Feds? In other words doesn't the Manhattan DA have to prove both charges? And since the crime being covered up is a federal crime how can the Manhattan DA prosecute this without jurisdiction in the first place?


Krystal/Saagar, I know this is looking far into the future, but if Trump is found guilty of any of these charges, or other investigations, can he be held while President? I know someone can run for office while imprisoned, but would winning automatically grant Trump a commuted sentence? I’m really interested in the legal complications that a conviction could have on his 2024 campaign and if he wins the presidency in 2024.

Liberal frustrated by BS Trump Indictment

I am frustrated by this Trump indictment because there are sooo many more consequential reasons to go after Trump, like the blatant abuse of the emoluments clause. (What all was really going on with the Saudi's?) My understanding is that they won't prosecute him for that though because that would then raise the question of basically every past (and current) president's behavior as well. But I would LOVE them to raise that question because I see money in (any area of) politics as one of the greatest problems our country faces. Maybe it's a bit extreme, but if you indicted all recent presidents that enriched themselves in office, then maybe the next guy / or gal would think twice. As it stands though, I can't help but see these Trump charges as BS when there are so many far more legitimate areas of corruption to go after that actually impacts the American people. Of all the things, choosing this to me makes it clear that this isn't a stand for integrity and the rule of law - just an eff you to the other side and a guy they hate (even if for valid reasons). So my question is, do you agree? and if not, what am I missing? Thanks for doing such a great job with the show.

Guilty, what's next?

If President Trump is found guilty of the charges in NY, what comes next? Appeals?