Ask Me Anything

with Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar (Premium)

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Given the socioeconomic dynamics that Trump has espoused for many reasons and kicked up into hyperdrive, what would an opposing candidate need to actually do to move political supporters away from Donald Trump? I worry and surmise that it will take having already done what Franklin Delano Roosevelt did for working class, poor, and rural New Yorkers while governor by performing what would be "regulatory wrestling" with what is now ConEdison to require them to provide electricity to poorer New Yorkers at prices they could afford. (Matt Stoller writes about this fairly early in "Goliath".) Do you think anyone at a state level or federal level at the moment is capable of delivering such results for people if one is possible?

Question for Saager

Who would you vote for in a Republican primary? Desantis or Trump?

Aren’t we as a country tired of the “better of two evils” scenario, especially when both choices are evil.

As a moderate (old school democrat), I am tired of having to make a choice between the senile (fake) crooked progressive and the narcissistic (fake) crooked Republican. When will the democrats actually make an effort to groom an up and comer who is charismatic, rational and intelligent? If such a person does not exist, we are doomed as a country and a culture.


Do you feel that media is falling for the same trump 🪤 trap by giving him so much media coverage ?

If you're gonna come for the king

Hi guys thanks for doing what you do. My question is this, if the misdemeanor charge is being upgraded to a felony because it is in service of covering up another crime then what does it say if the crime being covered up was never prosecuted by the Feds? In other words doesn't the Manhattan DA have to prove both charges? And since the crime being covered up is a federal crime how can the Manhattan DA prosecute this without jurisdiction in the first place?