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with Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar (Premium)

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If book keeping fraud in New York can only be charged as a secondary offense, and the primary offense is a federal crime, why can’t this case be turned over to the feds?

Problems caused by boomer generation

Given the outsized influence of the boomer generation on government policies, do you recognize the problems caused by catering to the boomer generation at the expense of Millennials and Gen Z's? Covid lockdown, NIMBY's, and Fed bailouts come to mind.


Is there any hope for a third party to win a presidential election in the USA ever?

The future of dollar and U.S.

With a lot large countries like China, Russia, and Brazil moving away from the dollar as world reserved currency, would this cause an economic devastation in US like we've never seen before? or would it be slow crumbling of empire similar to British and Ottoman?

WV State Police

Will you looking into what’s going on with the WV State Police. It’s unbelievable. I’d love your take on it all.