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with Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar (Premium)

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Krystal, it seems like every time israel is in the news you have a problem with the government. You often find a reason to criticize but never find a time to recognize the positive things it does. Tel Aviv couldn’t be more liberal and gay. You come across Anti-Israel. Why is that?

Is Taibbi now on the endangered species list?

The performance of the Dems during the twitter committee, (Spanish inquisition?No one expects a Spanish Inquisition- You're welcome Saagar for the Monty Python ref), so disgusted me that I am now an Ind after 35 yrs a Dem. Can the truth messengers survive this latest assault or has that train sailed and the boat has left the station? Is truth old fashioned and just a thing of the past? Just a memory to be told to tomorrow's generations. Even my hero, Matt Taibbi, is feeling the pressure from all sides and he has 10X the balls of a normal human. Where are we headed?

Why care about the Trump charges?

Does anyone expect anything to happen to Trump with these charges or others that may come about? Aside from the spectacle, it seems likely to end with a ‘slap on the wrist’ and/or no real consequences.

Why can't Democrats just beat him?

If Donald Trump is so awful, why do the Democrats need to legally stop him from running again? They could just put forth a likable candidate that will try to give the middle class a leg up against their corporate! It does not take a political genious to realize that all legal credibility the Democrats had was gone with Russiagate, and continuing to try to get Trump in court for just about anything will only make the currently disenfranchised more sympathetic to his cause. It is obvious that President Trump is the ONLY effective way the middle class can tell the elites in government and Wall Street to GO F*** THEMSELVES, and we want that message sent whether he cheats on his wife with pornstars, tries to overturn elections, and rips people off in business or not.

Trump Indictment

What are the odds of Biden doing the right thing and giving trump a pardon? Put his actions where his mouth is in terms of healing the nation as opposed to deviding it. Of course he won't because it's pretty obvious what this all really is.