Ask Me Anything

with Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar (Premium)

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Success of a Williamson 3rd Party Run

Given the DNC’s prior history of superdelegate chicanery/shenanigans that cost Bernie the Democratic nomination (and likely, presidency), and Bernie’s strong voter turnout beforehand, do you think Marianne Williamson has a shot at running on a 3rd party ticket and securing Ross Perot-levels of the popular vote? The left is politically homeless with a conservative Democrat POTUS, and PINO (progressive in name only) Congressional representation. Or are progressive voters generally black pilled and will kowtow to Biden to matter what? I just don’t see “blue no matter who” working again without the backdrop of COVID, and Biden’s dismal record on railroad workers, collapse of the child tax credit, M4A, Alaskan drilling, and fueling the MIC’s Ukraine gravy train. Not to mention, he’s older than the pyramids of Egypt

Clinton Prosecution

How would your attitudes change if it were Hillary being indicted in Texas or Florida would saagar in particular use the excuse “well everyone knows she’s corrupt” and be opposed to prosecution

Future criminal charges

Do you both think president trump being indicted is "breaking the seal" on prominent politicians being charged with the crimes they crimes they commit such as Clinton's server and bidens business dealing? How will the Republicans respond when they take control of the white house?

How does the indictment of Trump compare to the indictments of presidents in other countries?

I am curious if there are examples that are similar to this situation in other countries as this is the first time this has happened in ours.

3rd party

Is there any level of failure or corruption that could convince voters to leave the two big parties?