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with Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar (Premium)

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Trump/Williamson Ticket

If Trump wins the republican primary and democrats shun Williamson will Trump ask Williamson to be VP? Should they work together to bring Progressives and Trumpers together in a way that proves we have similar objectives like Free Julian Assange, Force the Vote, bringing troops home, and not giving Ukraine endless money? You guys are the Best!

Future of the country

What do you think the future trajectory of the country is? Are we all screwed? What can we do to save it? As an elder millenial, it's felt pretty hopeless for awhile, but I'm desperately trying to hang in there.

Who do YOU want to President

Hey Breaking Point gang! I’m curious who you would choose to be President if you can select ANY eligible American citizen on the planet. Also out of the “legit” candidates who would you choose? Thanks!

The Power of Trump

Hey Krystal and Saagar, I'm a big fan of the show and thank you for all the hard work you both put in. My question pertains to President Trump's staying power as a candidate and figurehead despite the multitude of scandals that have reached his political career. Do you think we'll ever see another Trump (and to an extent, Reagan) like figure in American politics as information becomes more and more readily available to anyone who wants to find it? Thank you

DeSantis Strategy

I see Ron’s only path to nomination is for him to embrace the Trump supporters. He can not beat Trump head to head so his only hope is Trump does not make it to the end of the primaries, for any reason, and Ron becomes the heir apparent picking up most of Trump’s supporters and some non Trump supporters. Otherwise, if Trump drops out and Ron has not positioned himself as the heir, someone else will swoop in and claim to be the heir. Do you agree with this approach as Ron’s only shot?