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I feel conflicted about Tucker Carlson

Tucker used to be that idiot looking and sounding like a kid fresh out of college that is rich daddy payed for. But lately, I feel like he as some real solid opinions on a wide range of topics, with some very populist views on many subjects. He still makes some weird points from time to time, but for most of them, I find myself agreeing with I'm. I ask here cause I have seen I'm repeating some views that you guys also have, many times. What happened in your opinion? Is it just that the democrats are so toxic that anyone can see their nonsense and sound education complaining about it or do you think that the man changed for some reasons? Or am I just becoming old and right wing?

The Newsroom

I watched a clip of The Newsroom today and I remembered that the reason I really liked that show was because it gave us an ideal of how journalists should act. You two made it a reality. Thank you. -Farseer Wannabe

Artificial Wombs

Could you two do a segment on artificial wombs? I think it would help people understand that there's a possible solution to the abortion debate that will help put an end to the culture war. It's also something that could potentially gain support on both sides of the political spectrum. Furthermore, it could help increase funding for this type of research. Thanks, -Farseer Wannabe

Tara Henley

If the opportunity presents itself and makes sense, could you invite Tara Henley on your show? She was willing to put something on the line for her principles and her work should get more attention. -Farseer Wannabe

Tara Henley: Why I quit the CBC