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with Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar (Premium)

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UFOs debunct

Ya'll occasionally cover UFOs or did under The Hill. You may want to have on Mick West as an end segment on one of your shows? A waste of approximately $22M a year by the government.

Build Back Better

This is less off a question but more of a statement. I have heard you refer to Biden's Build Back Better plan and how it is a terrible name. Are you unaware of the World Economic Forum and the Great Reset??? Their tag line is Build Back Better. Other countries have used this tag line, just like here in Canada... major socialist agenda. I have even seen it in a Disney marvel show, falcon and the winter soldier. They had it spray painted on the wall in the show. We are being programmed. Anyways, I love, love, love your show. Thank you for doing what you do.

Is $3 Trillion Too Much?

I often hear the argument from you that big progressive actions are popular and thus a lack of interest from Democratic leadership in pursuing them reflects a focus on their donors instead of their voters. I've seen plenty of evidence that large amounts of government spending separately concerns voters. It doesn't surprise me that American voters would want to have their cake and eat it too, so is the conservative side of the Democratic party right on the politics in some ways?

How to keep a positive outlook

Hi Guys, I seriously love your show, however, sometimes it's hard for me to stomach the reality in which we are living in. A life or superficial pleasures, technological distractions, misdirection and deceit from all angles of American life by the ruling class crushing the base of American society. How do you guys manage to keep your spirits up with the barrage of bad news? It seriously takes me a full day of split listening to the show to stomach the news. Anyway, thank you for all the hard work.

Recent Spike in YouTube Subscribers

First, thank you for what you are doing. I have no doubt that your show is helping pave the way to a new era of American journalism that will in turn safe this beautiful country from itself. Question: It’s October 26. In the last two weeks, maybe less, I noticed a significant spike in YouTube subscribers. One day it was below 600k and then it shot up to 623k within days. Do you have any insights as to when and why the spike occurred? Makes me hopeful you’ll hit 1 mil by the end of the year, even though I know it doesn’t matter to you.