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with Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar (Premium)

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Problems with viewing although a prime member

How come this show is not on my "priority" viewing and i can only view part of it in YouTube?

Episode 2 of Jon Stewart's New Show

What are your thought on Jon Stewart's take of people who refuse to be vaccinated? Did you view the second episode of his new show, in which he condescendingly mocks and curses at them, including someone being evicted? Would like to hear your thoughts.

Joe Rogan

The issue with Joe Rogan taking ivermectin and promoting it is access. Rogan is a very rich man. He can get whatever he wants whenever he wants. Isn't Rogan being irresponsible to the average person who now will try to get ivermectin from a doctor fail and go for the dangerous livestock version?


Term limits seem to be a needed change in government to stop corruption. Why is the American Anti-Corruption Act ignored by critics of the current atmosphere of American politics?


I don't have a question more information behind how truck driving companies get paid through brokers and unregulated financial firms. I have already sent Saagar the information on Instagram. My name is Jacob Barnett. I also continue to watch you guys and YouTube and your premium station in hopes to get your agency more money. Thank you. I truly care about our nation like you guys. I'm happy to be apart of the revolution.