Ask Me Anything

with Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar (Premium)

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Are sports America's favourite distraction, or a local and global proxy for supremacy? Love to know your background as past sports people, and how sports is affecting your lives. What are your attitudes to sport beyond something fun to do, and most importantly, why isn't Kabaddi recognized as the best sport ever invented? LOL

Is a real 3rd party alternative possible?

Our current two party system seems nothing more thing more than a corporate monolith that will always prioritize the elite over the working class. The cycle of rotating villains and parties in power is exhausting and disheartening. Do you think we'll ever get a serious 3rd party alternative? Maybe a people's party rooted in labor needs that avoids cultural fights that divide so many?

Barstool Democrat

Hey guys! I've heard you talk plenty about "barstool conservatives" but I was wondering if you could make the pitch for something like a Barstool Democrat? Could this be a hidden base on the left that agrees with the economic-left arguments but also hates wokeness and the religious right? I'd love to hear your thoughts on that. Love you guys keep up the fantastic work.

Shellenberger for Governor

What do you think the implications could be for the country if Michael Shellenberger could win the CA governor's race as an independent? I'd love if you could interview him about it before the primary (June 7)


BP & now Realingment premium subscriber! I absolutely love how you both cover issues from both sides. However, you both seem to be on the more Palestinian side of this (including guests). If magic wands were in play, what would be the most simple solution to solve the Israel/Palestine issue. (You have 30 seconds to answer, good luck 😉)