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with Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar (Premium)

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Bill Maher Krystal Ball

Krystal! Wow great job on the Maher last night, oh my God you were on point big time! Clearly you pointed to alleged liberal Maher's lack of awareness about the Wall Street bail outs! Maher thinks Clinton and Obama were good presidents not the neocon total sellouts that they in fact were and are, I am sad to say that about Obama, but it's so true. He had a super majority and did jack with it. Back to you Krystal, I think you gotta run for office again. Keep up the great work!


Please do not do the Matt Stoller thing again. The channel is Krystal/Saagar even when one of you are on vacation. I think this is the first time you pimped your channel out like this. I wasn't a fan. There was no balance or challenge to this perspective which if feel is a key part of your channel. As an experiment, please consider this a failure.

Progressive Leadership

People with leadership skills make more money. The Right pays more than the Left. If you've got skills, they buy you. Q.E.D.

Great job Krystal!

This is not a question but I just wanted to tell Krystal that you did an AMAZING job with Bill Maher. I could tell that you were super prepared and deliver important and painful facts. You stood your ground and focused on the real issues that are affecting our country. Thank you for speaking out for Americans in this kind of main stream show. I could tell that Bill and the other guy didn't like some of the great truths you were sharing either because they are ignorant or they have interests that don't allow them to speak more openly about them. Thanks again and great job Krystal!


When did “cope” become both Krystal and Saagar’s go-to crutch word? Feels like you can’t get through a segment without it.