Ask Me Anything

with Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar (Premium)

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The border

What should the United States policy be on illegal immigration and the southern border. Wall or no wall? Let them in or kick them out??

Possible for US to create a "State-owned Amazon"?

I'm curious if you feel something like Argentina's Correo Compros could work here in the US -- which an Amazon like company is state-owned with a mission towards fair wages, ethical consumer habits, and responsible data collection. Feels like this could be a great pilot in certain cities throughout this country that are hurting the most.

Matt Stoller

Matt Stoller is amazing. It would be fun to see debates between him and other people but I have absolutely no issue with his monologues.

Segment on Super PAC designed to get rid of Super PACs

I bet you guys could convince a bunch of rich people to start a Super PAC designed to put an end to Super PACs.

Do you think blue states can course correct?

As a recovering Californian who escaped to Florida, is there anyway blue states can get people like myself back? As the pandemic is finally ending in Americans minds, the great 21st century population reset is finally over it seems. My question is can blue states like New York and California, course correct to get that population back or will they continue on this path of self-sabotage and continue to gaslight the Americans who left those states?