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with Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar (Premium)

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Krystal’s view of police unions

We all know Krystal’s opinions on workplace unions, but how does she feel about police unions specifically?

The Intercept on Breaking Points? WHY?

Why is the Intercept doing pieces in connection with Breaking Points? This was an independent news organization, why are you collaborating with a billionaire owned (Pierre Omidyar-owner of the Intercept through first look media) the intercept? How can I trust that you will not be bias towards his interests now?

The Intercept on Breaking Points? WHY?

Why is the Intercept doing pieces in connection with Breaking Points? This was an independent news organization, why are you collaborating with a billionaire owned (Pierre Omidyar-owner of the Intercept through first look media) the intercept? How can I trust that you will not be bias towards his interests now?

Diesel prices and shortages.

Is there any validity to the idea that the administrations actions toward North American oil and gas production have helped the current situation that were in as far as astronomical prices for diesel and shortages that are being reported? I’m a truck driver and I know that the issues we’re facing are extremely complicated and nuance is not to be taken lightly, but it seems to me that on day one Biden crippled US/Canadian oil and gas production by banning drilling on federal land and canceling Keystone XL. While those things were not immediately damaging given the demand still being down we are starting to feel the pain of those decisions now. For better or worse EVERYTHING we use in our daily lives is delivered by diesel trucks, and while progress to renewable forms of energy is necessary diesel is the way we do it for now. Is there anything to the idea the administrations hostility toward oil and gas production has added to if not entirely created the particular situation we’re in as far as the gas/diesel prices are concerned?

Dr. Mohamed El-Erian

Please consider trying to bring Dr. Mohamed El-Erian on your show! Compared to all the other quacks giving financial advice on mainstream media, he really seems to give an honest opinion about the state of our economy and the Fed.