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with Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar (Premium)

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Houston tx show.

Hey krystal and saagar, I'm not into politics at all and gave up being a progressive liberal many years ago. Since seeing you two on joe rogan I started listening to breaking points on youtube and after a few months I became a premium member and now a yearly subscriber. I now listen to almost all of your content and no other news organization. If you do tour america is Houston going to be on the trip. I will be there if you have a show in Houston. Thanks, john

The Senate Filibuster...

First, I appreciate everything that you, Saager and Krystal, have done and continue to do by providing an alternative to the mainstream. Please continue to insist on an objective approach and delivering the truth no matter what. Now to the Filibuster. Is the Senate's Filibuster important? I've heard Krystal bring up the fact that she believes that we need to get rid of the filibuster. However, what is the long-term issues with doing that? How can the opposing political side use the removal to their advantage? Is this something that we should be pursuing? "The filibuster empowers the minority and frustrates the majority. Extended debate has always been a part of the way the Senate does its legislative business." Is it important that the minority have a voice? Or should the majority do what they can to silence the minority? Does that even sound American? Who could be supporting a movement to abolish this historic procedure that would certainly silence the minority? The Democrats. Rather than working in a bipartisan way, by abandoning more radical ideological driven issues, and simply attempting more reasonable and centrist bills, laws, etc., the Democrats would rather strip all means available to the minority in the Senate and ram through whatever they want. Checks and balances are seriously important. They keep us from sliding too far to one side (I'm now talking about both sides here...). Thank you for taking the time to consider my question and for responding to it. -Jared Johnson -Cambridge, MN

Why has the Democratic party seemingly abandoned class issues?

Hey folks, love the show. It feels like every thing I read or watch is almost always focused on social issues or other issues that are very talked about but affect relatively small amounts of people. Are we seeing a real abandonment of the concept of the American dream? The Democrats don't seem to care about even pandering to lower class voters (even AOC basically avoided Chris Smalls and the Amazon union unless it was to get attention). Maybe it's just living in the Dem bubble of Los Angeles, but it feels like there's a real abandonment of class issues now, what do you two think of this?

China's House of Cards

Can you two do a segement on China? alot is happening over there that people are not hearing about, like the bank runs, and people are still thinking that they will take over the world but all signs point to "NO"

How does Biden get to keep it security clearance?

Given the extensive process for a secrete or top secrete clearance how is Biden able to stay President and keep his clearance while having a proven highly compromised Son in Hunter? For example if I was in his situation..I would be investigated and my clearance not renewed.