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with Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar (Premium)

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Crime and Gun Contradictions

I live in a large city and probably fall more on Saagars side of the gun debate. But I do find merit in some reforms. There is a confusion contradiction in criminal justice reformists pushing maximalist gun policy. Can you be for banning certain firearms but also against gun enhancements in crimes or even treating illegal gun possession as a serious crime?

Best Economic System

We see you guys agreeing a good majority of the time when it comes to economics, but I wonder are there any major disagreements you two have when it comes to the best economic system for America? Do you still believe in Capitalism? Do you believe we need to regulate Capitalism in order to save it? Or do you more think that we need a new system more approaching socialism?


With Trump and Desantis fighting over the Republican mantle and Biden losing grip of the mantle on the Democratic side, it seems like America is more ripe than ever for new political parties. However, like you two have spoken about, the party apparatuses seem to be as strong as ever in terms of effectively stamping out third party challengers, or only propping them up in order to weaken their opponent. Do you think independent media will be able to cross the divide in order to cut through our ossified party system or do you think something akin to a realignment of one or both parties is more likely?

Hey Oliver Stone, his name is Saagar.

Hello, I have been a big fan of your show since Rising. Earlier today I overheard a conversation about Saagar’s take on Biden’s age and one of the participants butchered Saagar’s name so poorly, that I had to pompously interject . I was wondering how many variations of Saagar’s name have been used by guests through the years?

Progressive Challenger

If progressives are going to challenge Biden who makes the most sense to do it? We cant fall in the same trap again of splitting the left vote. We need to unify around one lefty candidate. With Bernie not running who should that person be?