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with Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar (Premium)

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BP Financial Compensation

What platform gives Breaking Points the best financial compensation? Even when I'm just listening, I generally click on the YouTube link because it's the top one listed. Now that you're also on Spotify, it made me wonder about the different financial compensation between YouTube, Vimeo, and Spotify.

Jan 6

The big issue for Jan 6, beyond the violation of the law by some citizens, is the violation of the law by the Government by keeping select videos from the defense attorneys for those indicted in that riot. Hiding exculpatory evidence should scare the wits out of all of us, even Trump haters - or am I wrong?

Merchandise needs a revamp

Enormous fan of the show. Love you guys While I know it's not top of mind for probably anyone, your guys Merch store needs some love. I would love a Breakpoint "quote" mug or sweater. Saagar: beclown or "what are even talking about here" for example. Also would love to see the Breaking points multiverse merch. Again, lowest thing on anyone's mind right now but looking to share my love of the show and get some useful things at the same time. "PS Saagar love the beard"

Content for High Schoolers

My students have a request. Could we a download of all the visual elements used on the show. The graphs and other visual aids. I've been trying to use your material for quizzes and bonus content. My current event class loves you guys but sometimes clips run long for class. I would even pay a few more $$ a month to help pay for any licensing fees if necessary. These high schoolers are our future and I think having exposure to media that forces them to think and question is good. Cheers

Is DeSantis Criticism Fair?

Krystal and Saagar, you've criticized DeSantis's media appearances as inadequate and weak if he is to compete against Trump, but has DeSantis indicated at all that he's even considering this? I'm confused why everyone is assuming he will run. What if he's content as Florida's governor and was never planning on running?