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with Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar (Premium)

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When will you have Marianne Williamson or Bernie Sanders on?

When will you have Bernie Sanders or Marianne Williamson on. Ask Bernie if he's really progressive, Why is he re-endorsing Joe Biden and not Marianne Williamson. Ask Marianne how she expects to win as the progressive candidate when the Most progressive and beloved senator and Champion of he left is NOT endorsing her, but re-endorsing the Anti union, status quo Joe Biden.

Marianne Needs to play Lady Gaga's Americano every time she walks onto the debate stage.

Marianne needs a kick ass progressive anthem to intimidate the other candidates and Signify where she is coming from. I nominate Lady Gag's Americano. on the added tangent plus side "puss in boots animated cats :)"

Solving inflation with taxes

I hear all the time that inflation is the result of deficit spending by the federal government, and that the solution is to simply reduce spending. However, if inflation results from spending that exceeds revenue (aka taxes) could we not also reduce inflation by increasing taxes? Importantly, increasing taxes could be done in a much more targeted way to spare working class people. I'm not an MMT guy, but this makes sense to me on face value. What do you think?


How do I like Spotify account

Clarification on the bond market that might help laypeople understand.

Wondering what you think of this: everyone says that the bond market is inverse to interest rates, but very few say why. I think this would give a lot of people the ‘ah ha moment.’ Literally the bond market is a secondary exchange of bonds already issued. If the current rate from the fed is less than what you have on your bond, people will want it! If the fed is offering a better interest rate, no one will buy your junk. Yes it’s a hedge against the stock market, but only in so far as the fed moves to try and maintain equilibrium with the market — and this is how SVB got caught out. Too much “safe” stuff on the books (which turned out to be toxic), not enough liquidity (you called that out very well).