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with Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar (Premium)

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I've been patient with the RFK issue. I realize that you need time to digest what's going on and even more it takes a huge person to admit when they were wrong and that takes time as well. But it's been over 10 days now and there are comments every day asking for some kind of response. Please show me why you are different from CNN or Fox. Show me that you actually do care about your viewers. I'm trying to hold on and have faith that you will be different than all of the other main stream media groups. But so far you are failing this test dramatically. These little tests can either ruin you or propel you to whole new levels of greatness, the only thing that determines success or failure is your actions. If you continue to ignore it you will be just like all of those other news shows. And you will loose me as a subscriber. And maybe you just don't care about loosing one viewer. But you told me that you did, prove it.

Concierge healthcare

What is your take on concierge healthcare? I can only view it as another facet of everyday life where only those who can afford it have access to quality healthcare. Is this trend happening everywhere or just Seattle? Doctors are blaming the insurance industry.

Chat GPT Forbes Cover

Hey Krystal and Saagar, given the level of confidence by which Chat GPT outright lies about sources in its writings (among its other fraudulent uses), how long do you think it will be until Chat GPT receives its own Cover on Forbes Magazine?

5.29.23 Clarification Question

I was genuinely confused. Did Desantis put into law that NO ONE can sue for liability or anyone that SIGNS the waiver cant sue gor liability? The report you all gave made it seem like no one can sue. Can you clarify?

BP Merch

Hey Krystal and Saagar, would you and the BP team be releasing new merchandise soon? I couldn't find a pop socket with your logo on it, so I made a custom one of my own. Is this something you would consider? Also, is there any new merch coming soon?