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with Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar (Premium)

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Democratic primaries

Have you considered running a debate for other representatives in the Democratic primaries? Since the democratic party won't be holding one them selves

Krystal still a thing?

I'm really sad to let you go but It's clear Krystal is a Main Stream Media shill. I was embarrassed by the way she talked to RFK and pushed her own narrative over the views of her interviewee. I don't care what Krystal's opinions are but I expect her to treat her guests with respect. I'll be cancelling my subscription. There are alternative media outlets that prioritize information over opinion or can at least tell the difference. There was a time I thought Breaking Points was one of those.

Not a question but thank you.

I'm going through a tough time right now and the future looks bleak, but watching your show always cheers me up. I may not always agree with what either of you say, but the honesty and passion with which you cover the news is so refreshing and entertaining. It makes me forget the problems I face in my life, even if only for a little bit. You guys should be proud of what you do, and I wish you the best of success.


Are you going to avoid the elephant in the room? The RFK interview was garbage, we can watch propaganda for free on MSNBC.

JFK Jrs tie

I was so happy to hear you finally take one of the RFK questions. Then you talk about his tie? His fucking tie? This is a joke, good luck with your CNN deal Krystal