Ask Me Anything

with Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar (Premium)

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Why do you ignore Tesla & The coming auto industry bankruptcy

Tesla makes the most American cars on the road with a continuous effort to locally source supply. Tesla has single handedly pulled the auto industry to even consider electric vehicles. While legacy auto announces electric vehicles they barely produce a hundred thousand combined. This year Tesla reached a one million production run rate with a target of 20 million by 2030. They are growing at more that 50% year over year. Legacy auto will be going bankrupt. They refuse to produce EVs and innovate in the boardroom or union leadership. While their sales have stagnated or shrunk Tesla continues to grow. They have worked around the chip shortages. Tesla takes 10 hours to produce a vehicle while VW takes 30 according to VW themes. Chinese auto makers are going to grab a significant market share. They have already scouted or started building factories in the US. Please stop all or nothing thinking. Just because the well paid Tesla employees are not unionized does not diminish their achievements. These are not minimum wage workers. What about putting Tesla workers back to work during Covid? A headline gleefully highlighted Tesla employees getting Covid. I myself compared the number. Their infection rate was lower than Almeida county where the factory is and California’s.

Book/Audio Recommendations

I’ve been listening regularly since finding your show this summer. You have opened my eyes and I feel that I have finally found a news source that tells me the truth. I drive a lot for my job so I always listen to the podcast. This morning I watched one of the segments on my iPad for the first time. I wasn’t able to make out the titles of the books in the background. What books are on your shelves? Do you have a recommended reading or audio list that you would be willing to post on your website? Do the books on your shelf change with the current topics?

Why is CNN hyping the MIC? (follow-up)

Following up on your response to my question about what CNN stands to gain by being so hawkish, I was really hoping for a more direct causal link than "they run in the same social circles". That just doesn't feel like a compelling enough case to decry corruption. Maybe y'all can could explore this with Taibbi, Greenwald, or or Sirota in a special segment?

Can we fix Krystal's hair in the intro animation?

She's got some pretty intense fringing on her cut-out picture. Nothing personal Krystal, but I think we can do better! I assume you guys have someone for this? But if you need help I'm here for the cause. I've been photoshopping for decades. -m

Who does Krystal blame for the unlimited and ultra fancy Wardrobe?

The money from the Product of Capitalism - Youtube? OR the Consumeristic mentality of America which in her words again is the root of all ills.