Ask Me Anything

with Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar (Premium)

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Tulsi Gabbard

When are you going to have Tulsi Gabbard on your show and actually interview her? (She has been on Joe Rogan at least three times.)

Bill Maher

I'd love to hear your take on Bill Maher's interview with Cuomo.

Why lead every show with Biden's poll numbers?

I love you guys but starting every show with Biden's poll numbers feels formulaic and major network local news-ish.

Inflation with health insurance premiums?

You guys have been talking a lot recently on inflation. As a physician from New Jersey I know private Health insurance companies turned in record profits during the pandemic. Yet with my annual open enrollment, I, along with all of my Frontline coworkers both with professional degrees and others such as RN’s, techs, and support staff (clerical and environmental workers) have realized a striking 10% increase in our insurance premiums for 2022. I wonder if this is a Regional trend as New Jersey was one of the hardest hit regions initially or if this is yet another way for corporate hierarchy of companies like BlueCross or United Healthcare to skim off a little bit more for their profits while essentially taxing those in the working class. While me and my family are able to cough up the nearly $1050 increase in our insurance benefits this year, I worry those folks who are hourly workers (those forced to be exposed to Covid at its height) can maintain their household bottomline with yet another insult to their paycheck.

Single subject bills

Why do you think congress doesn't separate out bills into individual issues? Instead of a massive package, tackle things one at a time? I would think that would make for easy talking points in campaigns.